Fun Quiz: What Is Your Life Purpose?

Do you ever wonder what your life purpose is? Do you ever question what you’re doing with your life or if you’re on the right path? Are you living life with passion and purpose or do things feel a little off?

Don’t worry, you aren’t alone…

Here’s a fun quiz to help get you to start thinking about how you’re living your life. We’ll revisit this again soon, I promise, but in the meantime this will assist you in scratching the surface. We’ll be exploring this in more detail in the future.

We each get one shot at this thing called life, and I don’t know about you, but I want to make sure I’m living my life the best way I can.

It is good to ask yourself these types of questions every once in awhile. That’s how you learn, grow and get better.

You know I adore hearing from you, so shoot me an email, leave me a comment on social media or message me and let me know your results and how you feel about them.

Find meaning each day,


  1. Kim on October 23, 2016 at 12:29 pm

    I got family.. I feel like this is just a scratch on the surface of my life purpose…
    I have raised four sons already, and still have lots to give.
    Family is one of my most important gifts, and I cherish it greatly! Thanks this was a fun little quiz?

    • Dara Kurtz on October 23, 2016 at 8:39 pm

      So glad you had fun with it and I’m happy you decided to stop by Crazy Perfect Life! Much love to you!